When your company utilizes your workplace philanthropy program for engagement, it will:
- Make your social impact program more inclusive leading to far better employee engagement.
- Build your social impact program to be proactive, inherently becoming more impactful.
- Attract incoming talent as Millennials & GenZ look for purpose-driven and intentional companies.
With corporate giving as the leading engagement strategy, People, Culture, and Social Impact leaders are currently adopting workplace giving programs but don’t have a clear path to leveraging the program to connect employees to each other and the communities they serve. That’s why Percent Pledge hosted a webinar with the following panelists, who currently lead highly engaging corporate giving programs with thoughtful and unique strategies.
- Joel Pollick, Founder & CEO @ Percent Pledge
- Gene Gurkoff, Founder @ Charity Miles
This webinar provided company leaders with immediate action items on how you can effectively engage your employees in workplace giving.