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Recruit & engage employee volunteers

Create an engaging & impactful volunteer event with 11 customizable communication templates.

Recruit & engage employee volunteers guide preview

When you plan volunteer recruitment + engagement in advance, it will:

  • Drive high employee engagement.
  • Save time and make it easier to coordinate the event.

Plan and bulk create your recruitment outreach with this free template. 

Companies that promote their volunteer programs in more than 3 ways are 18% more likely to report that they effectively get strong participation among many employees.

What does that mean for your organization? Communication often and across multiple channels is key!

With so many different communications to manage, it can be tricky to plan what to share at what time and to whom. That's why we put together 11 communication templates that are easy to customize, copy, and paste for every step of your outreach—from 3 weeks out to the day of.

These simple templates help you plan your recruitment efforts with a clear breakdown of a recruitment timeline, strategies, key people, and sample communications (think email, Teams/Slack, and announcement comms)—making your volunteer event planning more manageable, effective, and impactful. We provide our clients these templates, and they have proven high employee engagement.

Download the guide to recruiting & engaging employee volunteers to create a standout volunteer event 👇